Credit Blog

Credit Blog

Find out more about credit and how you can improve your financial situation to get the things you want out of life

The new way to finance the growth of your small business

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Shaun McGowan, Co-founder at shares four reasons to consider an alternative non-bank lender for your small business loan.

How to start a new business with a bad credit report

/ credit report credit repair business

Ready to step into the world of business, but have a bad credit report that's holding you back? Don't fret - this guide will help you through the process.

What are the benefits of good cash flow in your business?

/ credit report business

What do you need to know about keeping your business cash flow consistent? It's vital for the continued success of your company, and it takes some planning.

How can I manage my business credit profile?

/ credit basics credit report business

Credit can be a useful tool in handling expenses and supporting cash flow, but it is important businesses exercise caution to properly manage it.

Managing credit history for small businesses

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Anyone could potentially start up a small business - but not everyone who does will necessarily be financial experts.

Are you thinking about expanding your small business?

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Following the announcement of the new Federal Budget, there is good news for Australian small businesses looking to upgrade their capabilities.

Why is it a good idea to keep an eye on your business' credit file?

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Many credit providers rely on business credit reports to aid their decision making when assessing applications for credit.

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  • if you have been declined credit in the last 90 days; or
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  • once every 12 months.

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